I have posted two images here, and both are very different renditions of the same image. It always amazes me that an image taken with a camera which should be what the camera "sees" and in fact "reality" is not always the case. In fact the images you see are were taken with the same click of the camera shutter. Obviously the image on the left is more dreamy and romantic if you will, while the image on the right is much more lively, energetic and impactful. So is there any conclusion that can be drawn from this paradox? To me it says several things. You cannot trust what you see as the "truth" or "reality", beauty or lack of it is in the eyes of the beholder, and possibly "truth" or "reality" is different to different people. So if I can create "reality" in different forms using Photoshop or some other editing software with these images, is it such a far "reach" to assume I can create my own reality with the software in my head aka "my brain"? And if such is the case, and I come to the realization that I can create my own reality, isn't that the ultimate freedom? If I do not like the reality I am currently experiencing, all I need do is change it using the ultimate software in my brain and its ability to visualize and thereby create another reality? Fascinating Stuff Eh???
Live well and prosper.
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