I guess as humans we have no choice but to see things through our eyes and the brain filters that we have put in place throughout the years. As a result, the great white shark becomes a "man eater", the Orca whale becomes the "killer shark", and hurricanes unleash their destructive force on human populations as if it were planned or intended. And yet we do exactly the same thing. We destroy the planet with pollution, non sustainable habits in our living styles, such as carbon emissions etc. I haven't heard us refer to ourselves as unleasing our destructive force on the health of the planet, or referring to ourselves as "cow and chicken killers" when we sit down to a meal. No dear readers, it is all about perspective. It all depends where you stand at the time. As I like to say: "It is all relative". Some years ago I either coined a phrase or "borrowed" from someone unkowningly as follows:
"Everything in the world is relative. Except that statement which is absolute"
If in fact that was my quote from years ago, good for me, if not I apologize to whoever came up with it. I recall further expounding on this quote as being a Divine Paradox. It is a totally correct statement, even though it has a conflict within. I took a philosophy course in University many years ago and the final exam consisted of one question: On the attached card, which statement is true and which is false? We were presented with a small card which had a statement on both sides. On one side the statement was: "The statement on the other side of this card is absolutely true." I turned the card over to read the other side and the statement said: "The statement on the other side of this card is absolutely false."
Dear reader, I leave the question with you, which is true, which is false???
As always live, love and be happy !
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