The other day my grandson Tyler invited me to go along with his Mom (my daughter), and Dad and my mother on a boat ride. He was always interested in the "Paddle Wheeler" which plies the waters in front of our homes. He and his family live in the apartment building next to me. Well we had an opportunity to ride on that very boat, and being 2 1/2 years old he was of course interested in how the paddle wheel worked. I was trying to explain it (like I really knew) when the captain walked by and I of course stopped him and had Tyler ask him the question. I was happy to see him stutter and stammer trying to explain the intricate workings of diesel engines to a 2 year old. Tyler must of got something from the discussion, for when I asked him later how it worked, he told me "the diesel engine combusts, grampa". I gave some thought to the day and realized how precious is the gift of life, if only we are grateful for the opportunity to be with the people in our lives. We are so lucky to live in a beautiful city, and for me I am so fortunate to have wonderful people in my life, and today I honour each and every one of you.
The photo above was taken while on that wonderful boat trip where I spent a couple hours of life being with the ones that mean the most to me. What a wonderful day.
I wish you all many days of "wonderfulness", and a love of life that allows you to realize how lucky you are.
Love, peace and joy
Hi sweetheart,I am glad that you use my fox painting as your profile picture. You and your love encourage me to start paint and be determined to be an artist. Recently, except sleeping, eating and going to school, I spend most of my leisure time on painting. I put my burning passion on painting while I cannot be with you.