The subject of filters is near and dear to the heart of most photographers. We use them to edit the camera's image to portray what we actually (or thought) we saw. We use neutral density filters to reduce light in a part or all of the image, polarizing filters to cut down the glare from the sun's reflections or colored filters to add or subtract certain hues from an image.
Creative photographers also use crumpled plastic, glass smeared with vaseline or some other medium to "artsify", or change the image that you will see. In the above image I was shooting a bouquet of flowers and wanted a different look. As the flowers were outside on a patio on a glass table, I decided to place the flowers under the table and shoot through the glass. Voila a different look for a bouquet of flowers.
In life, we as humans have the ability to use any kind of filter we choose. We can choose the loving filter, the excited filter, the depressing filter, the angry filter, or the happy filter. The choice is up to us what kind of life we want to "create".
Wishing you the best in your choice of filters.
Live well and prosper